雲嘉沿海刺網漁業作業捕撈海洋廢棄物現況調查 |
邱靖淳1、柳琬玲2、吳斐竣2、郭庭君1* 1國立臺灣海洋大學海洋事務與資源管理研究所 |
摘要海洋廢棄物污染逐年增加,其中塑膠廢棄物最為普遍。這些廢棄物隨著海水漂流,對人類和海洋生物造成危害,並影響全球環境和經濟。由於調查人力與技術的限制,目前臺灣的海洋廢棄物調查主要集中在海岸,對水域(海面、水層和海底)的廢棄物調查較少。意識到海洋廢棄物對漁民生計的威脅,本計畫自2022年底起,與雲林縣刺網漁業的10位漁民合作,統計其於刺網作業過程中攜回的海洋廢棄物。自2023年1月至9月,504次刺網作業撈起2,849件廢棄物(加權後4,680件),總重313.59公斤,平均每次9.29±20.94件、0.63±1.92公斤,94%的捕撈航次會撈到海洋廢棄物。雲嘉沿海的刺網所收集到的廢棄物主要集中在口湖鄉,尤其是接近牡蠣養殖範圍,每次作業平均14.62±26.43件,第一季(一月至三月)廢棄物量較高。台西鄉、四湖鄉、東石鄉的平均廢棄物量相近,每次約5-7件垃圾,第三季廢棄物量較高。雲嘉刺網廢棄物中,塑膠占比最高(61%),其次為漁業廢棄物(27%),兩者合計占整體海廢的近九成,其中塑膠碎片/塑膠袋(41%)和廢棄蚵條(23%)最多。根據漁民的長期觀察,海洋廢棄物的主要來源可能包含:颱風、台塑六輕工業港清淤、離岸風電工程船舶的海拋垃圾。西南沿海的牡蠣養殖是臺灣的主要生產地,蚵條成為當地特有的海洋廢棄物。臺灣西南沿海海洋廢棄物的具體來源仍需更多數據來驗證。 關鍵字海洋廢棄物、海洋垃圾、刺網漁業、塑膠、蚵條 |
DOI: 10.29474/FER.202412.0103 | ||
The Current Status of Marine Debris Retrieved by Gillnet Fisheries in the Coastal Areas of Yunlin and Chiayi, Taiwan |
Ching-Chun Chiu1, Wan-Ling Liu2, Fei-Chun Wu2, Ting-Chun Kuo1* 1Institute of Marine Affairs and Resources Management, National Taiwan Ocean University |
AbstractMarine debris pollution has been increasing over time, with plastic waste being the most prevalent. These debris travel with ocean currents to various parts of the world, posing threats to both humans and marine life, and impacting the global environment and economy. Due to limitations in survey human power and technologies, marine debris studies in Taiwan have primarily focused on coastal areas, with only few surveys conducted on the water surface, water column, and seabed. Realizing the threat of marine debris to fishers' livelihoods, this study initiated a collaboration with 10 gillnet fishers in Yunlin County at the end of 2022 to document the marine debris collected during their fishing operations. From January to September 2023, a total of 504 gillnet fishing trips retrieved 2,849 pieces of debris (weighted to 4,680 pieces), totaling 313.59 kg, with a mean of 9.29±20.94 pieces and 0.63±1.92 kg of debris per fishing trip. 94% of the fishing trips encountered marine debris. The debris distribution in the Yunlin-Chiayi coastal area was primarily concentrated in Kouhu Township, especially near oyster farming areas, with an average of 14.62±26.43 pieces per operation, and the highest amounts observed in the first quarter (January to March). The average debris amounts in Taixi, Sihu, and Dongshi Townships were similar, averaging about 5-7 pieces per operation, with higher amounts in the third quarter. Among the debris caught by gillnets in Yunlin-Chiayi, plastics accounted for the largest proportion (61%), followed by fishing-related waste (27%), together constituting nearly 90% of the total marine debris. The most common items were plastic fragments/plastic bags (41%) and discarded oyster ropes (23%). According to fishers, they believed the primary sources of marine debris in the area are typhoons, dredging activities at the Formosa Plastics No. 6 Naphtha Cracking Project industrial port, and marine litter from offshore wind farm vessels. The southwestern coast of Taiwan, a major oyster farming region, uniquely contributes oyster ropes to local marine debris. Further data collection is required to verify the specific sources of marine debris along Taiwan's southwestern coast. KeywordsMarine debris, Marine litter, Gillnet fishery, Plastic, Oyster spat ropes |