




蕭堯仁 通訊作者




本文首先梳理漁業推廣定義與漁會推廣體系,接著討論漁會推廣體系發展現況,再 透過漁會組織管理階層的深度訪談,分析漁會組織目前對於漁業推廣工作的現況,以及 未來發展的看法。透過研究分析建議:1.漁業推廣法規與制度應適時調整、漁業推廣定 義需明確,以及穩定漁會推廣經費,是永續漁業推廣的重要途徑;2.強化漁會推廣體系 之運作並訂定目標,以及整合各項漁業推廣研究資源,協助漁政單位推動漁業政策;3. 漁會組織的漁業推廣發展,可透過盤點與整合地方資源,由下而上提出需求,鏈結農村 再生、向海致敬或地方創生等上位政策,協助漁業與漁村永續發展。



  DOI: 10.29474/FER.202112_(51).0002

The Current Development and Future Perspectives of the Fisherman's Association Extension System


Yao-Jen Hsiao Corresponding author

Institute of Applied Economics, National Taiwan Ocean University



The manuscript first sorted out the definitions of the fisheries extension and the fisherman's association extension system, and discussions were conducted regarding the current development of the fisherman's association extension system. This paper also analyzed the views of the fisherman's association regarding the current status and future development of fisheries extension through in-depth interviews with the management of the fisherman's association. The following suggestions are made according to the research analysis: (1) fisheries extension laws and regulations should be adjusted with time. Meanwhile, there should be a clear definition of the fisheries extension and stable funds for the fisherman's association extension system, which are important measures for a sustainable fisheries extension. (2) Operation of the fisherman's association extension system should be improved and reset the goals. Various fishery extension research resources should be integrated to assist fishery authorities to extend fishery policies. (3) Regarding the extension and development needs of the fisherman's association, these can be addressed by sorting out and integrating local resources to put forward bottom up demands. By connecting these needs with superordinate policies, such as rural rejuvenation, dealing with the sea, or regional revitalization, this extension system can support the sustainable development of the fishery industry and fishing villages.


fishermen's association extension system, fisheries extension, rural rejuvenation, regional revitalization, satoumi initiative
