國際鯊魚的管理與保育 |
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國立臺灣海洋大學海洋事務與資源管理研究所 |
摘要鯊魚是海洋中頂端的掠食者,在海洋生態系中扮演非常重要的角色,全球鯊魚漁獲量在2000年達到歷史新高,由於過度的開發造成鯊魚資源的銳減。因此,近年來鯊魚資源保育與管理之議題逐漸成為國際矚目之焦點。聯合國糧農組織(FAO)率先提出了國際鯊魚保育與管理國際行動計畫,其他國際保育組織如國際自然保育聯盟(IUCN)及瀕危野生動植物國際貿易公約(CITES)也分別提出相關的鯊魚保育紅色名錄,及將許多鯊魚列入附錄二名單。同時區域性漁業組織(RFMO)也紛紛針對遠洋主要物種進行資源評估並提出鯊魚管理及保育措施及禁捕物種。我國配合國際鯊魚管理及保育的趨勢,發布了「鯊魚保育與管理國家行動計畫」,實施「鯊魚鰭不離身」措施,並配合各區域性漁業組織禁止污斑白眼鮫及平滑白眼鮫留艙,同時頒布「魚翅進口管理辦法」。另外,漁業署也整合漁船監控系統與電子作業日誌,監控臺灣漁船作業情況。為了確保鯊魚資源受到合理的保育及管理,鯊魚混獲量及其資源指標之研究刻不容緩。 關鍵字聯合國糧農組織、國際自然保育聯盟、瀕危野生動植物國際貿易公約、區域性漁業管理組織、鯊魚保育與管理國家行動計畫 |
DOI: 10.29474/FER.202112_(51).0003 | ||
International Shark Management and Conservation |
Institute of Marine Affairs and Resource Management, National Taiwan Ocean University |
AbstractSharks are apex predators in the marine ecosystem and they play an important role in the system. The global shark catch peaked around 2000 and overexploitation resulted in the decline of shark stocks. Therefore, shark conservation and management have attracted great attention in recent years. The Food and Agriculture Organization United Nations (FAO) announced the international Plan of Action - Sharks in 1999, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES) also took a series shark conservation actions by revising the status of shark species on Red List and putting several commercial shark species on Appendix II list. Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs) also conducted stock assessment of key shark species and implemented shark management measures such as ban retention of certain species. To meet the criteria of international shark management and conservation, Taiwan also announced the National Plan of Action - Sharks, shark-fin attached measure, and shark fin import management act as well as banned retention of the silky and oceanic whitetip shark. In addition, the Fisheries Agency also monitored our far sea fishing vessels via an integrated vessel monitoring system (VMS) and electronic logbook. To ensure the sustainability of shark resource, the study on bycatch and stock status is urgently needed. KeywordsFAO, IUCN, CITES, RFMO, National Plan of Action - Sharks |