大嘴鱸--藍鰓鯛淡水養殖系統的理論和實務介紹 |
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國立中山大學海洋生物研究所 |
摘要本報告是以文獻回顧的方式介紹了美國西南各州盛行的大嘴鱸魚與藍鰓鯛複合魚群養殖及管理系統。本理論是由已故奧本大學漁業系系主任史雲高(H.S. Swingle)氏多年前所創立。該理論充份利用了生態學與水產養殖技術的掠食魚---被掠食魚的互動關係,以實証方式開拓並完成了從魚池管理、魚苗放養、魚群監控、管理到理論架構的一系列工作藍圖,並且六十多年來成功地應用在美南地區的淡水養殖業上。遺憾的是本系統在理論探討上缺乏進一步的投入,在學術上上亦未獲得應有的重視。作者留美進修時利用田間試驗結果與電腦模擬予以驗證,顯示結果與史氏當初的構想非常符合,特以本報告作完整的介紹。文中並進一步探討利用大嘴鱸魚作為控制吳郭魚生殖,和發展國內淡水埤塘休閒漁業的潛力,最後討論了把史氏的平衡魚群理論用在海洋水產資源管理方面的可能性。 關鍵字大嘴鱸、藍鰓鯛、休閒漁業、平衡魚群、吳郭魚生殖控制 |
DOI: 10.29474/FER.201606_(45).0001 | ||
The Development Status, Innovative Technology and Prospective of Ornamental Fish Industry |
Institute of Marine Biology, National Sun Yat-sen University |
AbstractThis is a review of the combined bass-bluegill fish population of the southeastern United States. The theory and practice were developed and documented by the late H.S. Swingle back in 1950. It took advantage of the predator-prey relationship of the two fish population within freshwater pond, and developed into a fish culturing system that automatically balanced itself for the benefits of the fishermen. The culturing system has been well-adopted in the farm pond management of southeastern US for more than sixty years. However, it was not well recognized and documented in fishery sciences. This paper reviewed the most important parts of Swingle’s theory and sequential developments that followed. Computer simulation by the author confirmed that Swingle’s concepts and predictions were reasonable and correct. Suggestions were given for controlling Tilapia reproduction within earthen ponds, as well as potential use in sport fishery in Taiwan. Adaptation use of Swingle’s balance population concept on marine fishery were also suggested in this paper. Keywordslargemouth bass, Bluegill, Sport fishery, Balanced fish population, controlling tilapia reproduction |