




黃乃芸 通訊作者







  DOI: 10.29474/FER.201606_(45).0002

EU Hygiene Inspection Criteria and Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Requirement for Deep Sea Vessels Listed in the Europe


Nai-Yun Huang Corresponding author

FSI Taiwan-Asia Pacific Office



According to Trade and Investment Service of Taipei Representative Office in the EU and Belgium, in terms of total exportation from Taiwan, fishery product is in the lead of six food groups. Food and Veterinary Office (FVO) carried an audit in Taiwan in 2006 to evaluate the control system in place governing the production of fishery products intended for export to the European Union. The audit findings are that the hygiene management system of fish supply chain in Taiwan is not compliant with the EU regulations. In response to FVO's recommendations, competent authorities in Taiwan such as Fisheries Agency, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan (FA) and Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (abbreviated to BSMI) have formed a multi-governmental team (MGT). The main responsibility of MGT was to enact Directions that were legislated based on EU regulations, for example, "Directions Governing Management of Fishery Products Exported to the European Union" and "Direction on Sanitation Management of Deep Sea Fishing Vessels for Qualification by EU Related Regulations". "Inspection Criteria for EU-Coded Deep Sea Fishing Vessels" is the basic inspection standard of distant water fishing vessels, including construction, equipment and facility, prevention of biological hazard, chemical control, personnel hygiene, transportation management, and so forth. Fishery products intended for export to the EU have to not only meet the relevant hygiene management and exporting process requirements of Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 and Regulation (EC) No 853/2004, but also prohibit to harvest from illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. Since European Union sets a very high level of food safety, food that allowed exporting to EU usually to be seem as qualified for exporting to other countries. Therefore, competent authorities and fishery operators in Taiwan should dedicate themselves getting the qualification to enhance the competitiveness of our fishery products.


Fishery products intended for export to EU, Inspection Criteria for EU-Coded Deep Sea Fishing Vessels, Hygienic Management, IUU, Landing Declaration
